POACEAE Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. pectinatum (M.Bieb.) Tzvelev
- Kabul Edilen İsim: Agropyron cristatum (L.) GAERTNER subsp. pectinatum (BIEB.) TZVELEV var. pectinatum (L.) GAERTNER
- Yaygın İsimleri:
- Ömür: Çok Yıllık
- Yapı: ot
- Hayat Formu:
- Çiçeklenme: 5-7
- Habitat: kalkerli step, dağ çayırlıkları, kalkerli uçurumlar, volkanik yamaçlar, nehir vadileri
- Yükseklik: 650-2000
- Endemik: Endemik Değil
- Element:
- Türkiye Dağılımı: Trakya, Karasal Anadolu
- Dünya Dağılımı: Orta Avrupa, Akdeniz, Orta ve Güney Rusya, Kırım, Kafkasya, İran, Afganistan
- Ülke:
- Bulunduğu Kareler: A1, A4, A7, A8, A9, B3, B4, B9, B10, C5, C10
- Bulunduğu Şehirler:
- Toplayıcı: M. Armağan
- Toplayıcı Numarası: 2612
- Herbaryum Numarası:
- Toplama Zamanı:
- Toplanan Bölge:
- GPS:
- Tipi:
- Ethnobotanical Özellikler:
- İlgili Makaleler:
- Alıntı /Atıf Adresi: https://vhlv.net/herbarium/VHLV0000000135
A. cristatum
(L.) Gaertner in Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Petrop. 14:540 (1770). Syn:
Bromus cristatus L., Sp. Pl. 78 (1753)! Triticum cristatum (L.)
Schreber, Beschr. Gras. 2:12, t. 23 f. 2 (1772)!
Stems 20-70 cm, ± pubescent. Leaf blades usually 1.5-3 mm broad,
scab-rid or pilose on upper surface, glabrous beneath or pubescent on
both sides. Spike ovate, narrowly ovate, elliptic or narrowly elliptic,
1.5-5 cm, sometimes tinged purple. Glumes 3-5 mm, with 2-3 mm awn. Lemma
5-7 mm, with 3-4 mm awn.
1. Rachis fragile at maturity; spikelets closely pressed together; lemma densely pilose subsp. incanum
1. Rachis tough; spikelets with distinct gaps between them; lemma glabrous or sparsely pilose subsp. pectinatum
2. Spikelets glabrous var. pectinatum
2. Spikelets sparsely pilose var. imbricatum
subsp. pectinatum (Bieb.) Tzvelev in Sched. Herb. Fl. URSS 18:25 (1970).
var.pectinatum. Syn: Triticum pectinatum Bieb., Fl.
Taur.-Cauc. 1:87 (1808)! Agropyron pectinatum (Bieb.) P. Beauv., Ess.
Agrost. 146 (1812)! A. pectini-forme Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg.
2:758 (1817)! Fl. 5-7. Calcareous steppe, mountain meadows, limestone
cliffs, igneous slopes, river valleys, field margins, 650-2000 m.
Type: [Crimea'] cum praecedente [Triticum cristatum] in Tauriae rupes-tribus rarius (holo. LE! iso. W!).
Turkey-in-Europe, Inner Anatolia. A1(E) Edirne: Ipsala to Enez, A.
Bay-top (ISTE 15760). A4 Ankara: Aparcaridge, N.W. of Kirikkale,
byKizilirmak river, 650 m, Watson et al. 1779! A8 Gümüşane: nr Bayburt,
Bourgeau 1862: 255! Erzurum: 48 km from Yusufeli to Erzurum, 1600 m,
Stn.&Hend.6'l46! A9 Kars: 8 km from Kars to Susuz, 1800 m, D.
30596!* B3 Eskişehir: nr Balcihisar, between Eskişehir and Sivrihisar,
950 m, D. 37181! B4 Ankara: Ankara, Bornm. 1892:3126!* above Tuz G., 25
km N. of Koçhisar, 925 m, McNeill 337! B6 Maraş/Malatya: Elbistan to
Darende, vii 1906, B. Post! B8 Erzurum: 29 km from Hinis to Pasinler,
1800 m, D. 46379! B9 Van: 10 km from Gürpinar to Hoşap, 1850 m, D.
44680!* B1O Ağri: 3 km E. of Doğu-bayazit, 1750 m, D. 43907! C5 Niğde: 3
km N.W. of Ulukişla, 1400 m, Holtz 00.627 et al.(!).
C. Europe, Mediterranean area, C. & S. Russia,
Crimea, Caucasia, Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia, Siberia; introduced in
many temperate countries. Most Turkish specimens have rather narrow
spikes (c. 10 mm broad). Some, marked with an asterisk in the above
citations, have spikelets which are only slightly divergent from the
rachis; they resemble A. desertorum (Fischer ex Link) Schultes, but
their spikes are narrowly elliptic, not linear as in the latter. Bornm.
1892:3126 is characterised also by having shortly awned lemmas (awns c. 1