CAMPANULACEAE Campanula sclerotricha Boiss.
- • Genus: Campanula
- • Species:Campanula sclerotricha Boiss.
- • Subspecies:
- • Varyete:
- Kabul Edilen İsim: Campanula sclerotricha BOISS.
- Yaygın İsimleri: Campanula L.
- Ömür: İki veya Çok yıllık
- Yapı: ot
- Hayat Formu:
- Çiçeklenme: 7-8
- Habitat: nehir kıyıları
- Yükseklik: 1220-2135
- Endemik: Endemik Değil
- Element: İran-Turan
- Türkiye Dağılımı: D. Anadolu
- Dünya Dağılımı: Transkafkasya, K. Irak, KB., B., O. İran, Afganistan
- Ülke: Türkiye
- Bulunduğu Kareler: B7, B8, B9, C9, C10
- Bulunduğu Şehirler:
- Toplayıcı:
- Toplayıcı Numarası:
- Herbaryum Numarası:
- Toplama Zamanı:
- Toplanan Bölge:
- GPS:
- Tipi:
- Ethnobotanical Özellikler:
- İlgili Makaleler:
- Alıntı /Atıf Adresi:
C. selerotricha Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(11):66 (1849). Syn: C. sclerotricha Boiss. subsp. tchitounyi Aznav. in Mag. Bot. Lap. 16:23 (1917); C. striata Kitamura in Acta Phytotax. & Geobot. (Kyoto) 16:132 (1956). Ic: Kitamura, Fl. Afgh. 379, f. 92 (1960), as C. striata.
Shortly setulose-scabrid to glabrescent biennial or perennial. Stem usually simple, (30-)40-70(-90) cm, erect, thick. Lower cauline leaves broadly ovate-cordate, acute, 40-70 x 30-60 mm, biserrate or lobate-dentate, long (to 15 cm)-petiolate; middle and upper similar, smaller, dentate, shortly petiolate. Flowers few, pedicels short, axillary, recurved. Calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, erect, nearly as long as corolla, scabrid-hispid on margin and nerves. Appendages broadly ovate, obtuse, reflexed, as long as ovary. Corolla cylindrical-infundibular, (10-)15-20x 10-15 mm, divided to ⅓, violet-blue, setulose-hairy outside. Style ± exserted. Stigmas 3. Capsule hemispherical, 7x6 mm. Seeds ovoid, 1.1 x 0.7 mm, flattened, yellow, shiny. Fl. 7-8. River banks, 1220-2135 m.
Type: [N. Iran] in hortis umbrosis Persiae bor. prope Derbend jugi Elbrusen-sis, [12 vii 1843], Kotschy 502 (holo. G! iso. K!).
E. Anatolia. B7 Tunceli: c. 7 km N. of Kirmiziköprü towards Tunceli, 1220 m, Buttler 15886! Erzincan: nr Taştaşcami, Sint. 1890:2788. Elaziğ: Göldschik (Gölcük), by Hazar G., 1400 m, Hand-Mazz. 2619. Elaziğ/Diyarbakir: Kezin to Ergani, B. Post 875! B8/9 Bitlis: Bitlis to Shemiran, G. & B. Post 654 (type of
C. bertramii Aznav., nomen)! B9 Van: 5 km N. of Çatak, D. 23193! C7 Urfa: Kasmi (Kesbe), Sint, 1888:1490! C9/10 Hakkari: Cilo Da., in Diz De., 1770 m, D. 23888! C10 Hakkari: Çerme, in Zab gorge from Başkale to Koçanis, 1300 m, Nábělek 2139.
Transcaucasia (Nakhichevan), N. Iraq, N.W., W. & C. Iran, Afghanistan. Ir.-Tur. element. G. & B. Post's gathering from Bitlis, annotated by Aznavour as a new species (C. bertramii), differs in its smaller size (plants only to 40 cm) but seems to be only a dwarf form of C. sclerotricha.