CAMPANULACEAE Campanula erinus L.
- • Genus: Campanula
- • Species:Campanula erinus L.
- • Subspecies:
- • Varyete:
- Kabul Edilen İsim: Campanula erinus L.
- Yaygın İsimleri: Campanula L.
- Ömür: Tek yıllık
- Yapı: ot
- Hayat Formu:
- Çiçeklenme: 4-8
- Habitat: kireçtaşı kayalar ve duvarlar
- Yükseklik: 0-1400
- Endemik: Endemik Değil
- Element: Akdeniz
- Türkiye Dağılımı: B. Türkiye, GB. ve GD. Anadolu
- Dünya Dağılımı: Akdeniz, Doğuya Kırım, K. Irak, İran, Transkafkasya
- Ülke: Türkiye
- Bulunduğu Kareler: A1, A2, B1, C1, C2, C8
- Bulunduğu Şehirler:
- Toplayıcı:
- Toplayıcı Numarası:
- Herbaryum Numarası:
- Toplama Zamanı:
- Toplanan Bölge:
- GPS:
- Tipi:
- Ethnobotanical Özellikler:
- İlgili Makaleler:
- Alıntı /Atıf Adresi:
C. erinus L., Sp. PI. 169 (1753). Syn: Roucela erinus (L.) Dumort., Comm. Bot. 14 (1822). Ic: Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graeca 3: t. 214 (1819); Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 19: t. 146 f. 1 (1860). Figure 2, p. 45; 3, p. 51.
Hispid annual. Stem 10-20(-30) cm, dichotomously branched from base, weakly angular and striate. Leaves usually alternate, 10-20 x 5-10(-20) mm, ovate or obovate, crenate-dentate, sometimes lobulate, sessile, setose. Flowers inconspicuous, 1-3 in terminal clusters and axillary in angles of furcate stem. Calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, acute, erect, longer than obconical tube, slightly shorter than corolla, becoming spreading-stellate and accrescent after anthesis. Corolla cylindrical, 2-5 mm, divided to⅓ , with erect lobes, glabrous, pale blue to whitish. Style included. Stigmas 3, short. Capsule broadly turbinate, nodding, irregularly dehiscing and opening by 3 basal valves. Seeds small, elongate, ovoid, 0.6-0.7 x 0.2 mm, light brown, shiny. Fl. 4-8. Limestone rocks and walls, nr s.l.-1400 m.
Type: Described from southern Europe (Hb. Linn. 221/79! BM-Hb. Cliff.!).
W. Turkey, S.W. & S.E. Anatolia, Islands. A1(E) Çanakkale: nr Gelibolu, Aellen s.n. AKA) Çanakkale: Renkoei (Erenköy), in Dumbrek valley, Sint. 1883:109! A2(E) Istanbul: Istanbul, Nöe s.n. Bl Balıkesir: Edremit, Kizilçam, 600 m, Peşmen 453! Izmir: Çeşme, 10-50 m, D. 41804! Cl Muğla: Bodrum, S.1.-10 m, D. 40894! Izmir: 3.5 km N.E. of Selçuk, 50-100 m, Buttler 12465! C2 Denizli: Pamukkale, 400 m, Sorger 63-15-21! Antalya: Yurum Da., 1400 m, Sorger 63-30-33! C8 Mardin: Rişmil, 11-13 km from Mardin to Savur, 900 m, D. 28526! Siirt: Botan Çay, 19 km from Siirt, 400 m, D. 43228! Is: Lesvos, Rech. 5729; Psara, Greuter 10894! Khios, Greater 10729! Kos, Podlech 26445! Nisiros, Papatsoıı 143! Rodhos, Lindos, 50 m, D. 40289!
Mediterranean area, eastwards to Crimea, N. Iraq, Iran & Transcaucasia. Medit. element.